
The transition years from primary to secondary education mark two important stages of the child's adjustment. The first phase, from six to eleven years, is a formative experience in school, which strongly influences adolescence and the time after. The level of self-esteem depends to a large extent on the ability to perform at school. A child who performs poorly in primary school takes that negative experience and the negative self-image that has developed along with it. An attitude that can influence development for the rest of his life. It hinders the development of abilities such as reward delay, social responsibility, and emotional control. Abilities that are very important to do well in school.
For most children, their childhood ends when they are between ten and fifteen years old. Tremendous changes are taking place in a child's biology, thinking ability and brain functions. At the same time, the transition to secondary education also takes place. That in itself is an emotional challenge that should not be underestimated.

At that time, almost all young people have to deal with a reduced self-confidence and at the same time an increasing self-awareness. The ideas they have about themselves are unbalanced and they often feel insecure in social situations. Confidence to make friends is low. Students who are emotionally strong stand out during that period. They adapt easily to the new group codes, making them more able to cope with the confusion and difficulties of their age.
It takes emotional intelligence parents, teachers and other adults to guide adolescents through this period. Adolescents need guidance from adults who lead by example, who act as role models and who set boundaries. Parents, but especially teachers, must then be aware of the mental development of adolescents and adolescents. During puberty, parents and teachers have more influence on behavior than in the subsequent period. Then adolescents increasingly focus on their peers. The authority of parents and teachers is still there, but no longer self-evident. It takes leadership skills to be able to exercise authority effectively.